What are Neurotoxins?


A neurotoxin is a compound that affects the nervous system's functionality. In the context of skincare, neurotoxins, when injected, can modify the activity of specific nerves. This action helps relax muscle movements that contribute to wrinkles in areas like the forehead, between the eyebrows, and crow's feet around the eyes.

Different types of Neurotoxins:


Botox is known for its higher potency compared to many other neurotoxins. It is typically used to treat crow's feet and frown lines between the eyebrows. The effects of Botox are usually visible within a few days of injection and last for about 3-4 months.


Dysport is slightly less potent than Botox but has a unique chemical composition (due to the weight of protective proteins), making it more suitable for treating larger surface areas like the forehead. Similar to Botox, Dysport is derived from cow’s milk protein, so individuals with lactose intolerance may need to consider alternative neurotoxins. Results from Dysport injections can be seen within a day, although they may not last as long as Botox.


Xeomin differs from Botox and Dysport as it does not combine the main active ingredient, BoNT-A, with complexing proteins. This results in a purified form of BoNT-A, eliminating the need for refrigeration, which can make it a more convenient option for injections. If Botox or Dysport has caused discomfort or insufficient results, Xeomin may be a more effective alternative due to its distinct chemical composition. Results from Xeomin injections may take five to seven days to appear, but they typically last as long as Botox and Dysport.

Ultimately, a professional dermatologist can provide the best guidance in selecting the most suitable neurotoxin for your specific needs. Call now to find out which one suits you best!

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